Welcome to our 2021 registration process!  As a part of your registration, you will be required to provide a few details.  This information is intended for emergency and statistical purposes and will not be released without your consent.

TeamSNAP expects the login you use for registration to be for your own personal profile.  If you are registering for someone other than yourself, first log out of your TeamSNAP profile then login in under that person's profile


When posting to your personal accounts including TeamSNAP chat, media, facebook, instagram, snapchat and all other social media platforms, recognize you represent your team and the Wasabi Paddling Club.  By signing our Wasabi Waiver and our Code of Conduct, you recognize you must follow the rules outlined in these documents with respect to Club activity.

Please be mindful of your personal TeamSNAP profile; make choices you are comfortable with to establish your personal privacy.  The registration form has multiple areas where you can opt to not show personal data as part of your profile.  The default setting for TeamSNAP displays all contact information in your profile.

Registration Instructions

Click the button below to be redirected to TeamSNAP, the mobile and web service app we use to manage our teams.  If you forgot your password TeamSNAP offers a 'I forgot my password' reset on the login screen.

1)  On the SNAP Welcome page, you will be asked to enter your login info Click login with your personal password to continue

2)  On the Manage Signups page, click +New Signup

3) If you already have a TeamSNAP account elsewhere, a listing of the teams you are registered may appear.  You can either select any of those profiles or Click Create New Participant for a new profile form

4)  Enter your Participant Information

Do NOT click the buttons at the end of the participant information screen.  They are for registering multiple persons to a single registration.  Go to the bottom, of the page click ⇒Save and Continue to move to next screen

5)  After completing your registration information you will be asked to read and sign the Wasabi Club Waiver and Code of Conduct 

6) You will then be directed to the payment portion of the registration process

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