Race Fee Payment

Members are required to pay all race fees before participating in each event.  Your team Race Manager will be informed of your payment.

Per Wasabi Club Policy, all per person race fee payments and any accompanying fees are non-refundable
If you are unable to attend any fee event/race you have confirmed you intend to participate in, you are responsible for those fees which the team/Club has incurred on your behalf regardless if you attend or not.  This means if you have confirmed/rsvp'd to a race and fees have been calculated for your participation, you are responsible for your portion of the team race fee.  This policy extends to required training, housing and other logistics your team Head Coach requires for attendance to an event (group transportation, team meals etc).
If you are unable to attend any event, you may find a (Coach approved) substitute​ w​ho will assume your payments for the event.  On occasion in extreme situations, the team may incur the cost of your per person payment however this is based upon situation and Coach approval.
If payment of any fee is a financial hardship, confidential assistance may be available upon request via the team Head Coach, Club Secretary and the Board of Directors.

Tell Me More About the 2024 Races


Race Around the Island – Hosted by CROCC

Green Lake Hosted by Wakinikona

Silver Lake Sprints Hosted by Hui Wa’a O Puget Sound

Rooster Rock Hosted by Mt Home Canoe Club