Paddler Safety
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Weather Conditions

Click the dropdown arrow for WillyWeather to view either Portland or Nehalem Bay conditions
Click any of the display tabs for WillyWeather to toggle the Weather, Wind or Rain information
Water Conditions
River Forecast Data
Willamette River near OMSI
River forecast data provided by NOAA (NWS ID #PRTO3)
- Action Stage: 17'
- Flood Stage: 18'
- Moderate Flood Stage: 24'
- Major Flood Stage: 28'
River Velocity data provided by NOAA (Willamette River at Portland)
River temperature data provided by USGS (Willamette River at Morrison Bridge, 14211720)
Tide Data
Live Tide data from for the Willamette River at the Morrison Bridge
Willamette River, Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) - Live condition updates
The tracker shows how the City of Portland Willamette River Big Pipes fill during wet weather.
Data provided by the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES)
Data is updated every 15 minutes
We paddle through the entire year, rain or shine
However, sometime, the conditions are beyond our control...
Adverse Air Temperature Safety Consideration:
- Air temperature below 40 F is reason to seriously consider cancellation of on-water activity in club owned equipment.
- Air temperature above 95 F is reason to seriously consider cancellation of on-water activity in club owned equipment. *Heat index includes humidity, providing additional information in high temperatures. *
*See National Weather Service Heat Index Chart near the top of webpage
Adverse Wind Speed Safety Considerations:
- At wind speed above 30 miles per hour all on-water activity in club owned equipment is canceled.
- Wind speed above 20 miles per hour is reason to seriously consider cancellation of activity.
Adverse Water Flow or Speed Safety Considerations:
- At a rate of flow at or above 3 feet per second all on-water activity in club owned equipment is canceled.
Adverse Water Temperature and Lightning Safety Considerations:
- Water temperature below 40 degrees F is reason to seriously consider cancellation of activity.
- Lightning in the area or on the horizon is reason to cancel activities. No boats should go out for 30 mins after last sighting and, if already on the water, make haste to return to the dock.
Adverse Air Quality Safety Considerations:
- An Air Quality Index above 150, considered unhealthy, is cause for cancellation of activity.
Restriction on use of Wasabi Owed Assets when the intent is to participate in Special Events:
A special Event is characterized as the on-water use of a Club asset by the membership outside of regular practice times and/or organized by persons not affiliated with a Board sponsored activity. Use of Wasabi owned assets is not allowed for observation or participation in these special events:
- The Waterfront Blues Festival
- The July 4th Riverfront Fireworks Show
- The Christmas Ship Parade
- Other high activity events as the Club Officers and the Safety Officer deem unsafe based upon anticipated circumstances that could put the members and club assets in an unsafe situation including, but not limited to Red Bull Flugtag, firework displays over the river, and other spectator events that may bring high wake and excessive river traffic from motorized craft
This is due to the lowered visibility, heavy attendance of motorized craft, presumed consumption of intoxicants by motorized boaters.
Assets may be used for other, routine regularly scheduled practices during event times. Use caution and don't congregate near an event site.
Small Boat, OC1/OC2's Weather Guidelines
Wasabi maintains small boats for use by club members after their completion of OC certification and huli testing. Individuals using small boats are likely to be directly affected by adverse weather conditions including cold air and water temperatures, high wind, and high flow rates. Wasabi has general weather guidelines in place for OC6/12s and dragon boats. Small boat users must abide by those guidelines and additional guidelines listed for OC1/2 use.
Personal Floatation Devices (PFD) Policy Statement
Club Policyfor Personal Floatation Devices (PFD):
- At all times of the year, regardless of water temperature, all participants using Wasabi owned equipment (paddlers, steerspersons, coaches, callers, guests, etc.) shall wear an approved Coast Guard type I, II, III or V PFD.
- All non-swimmers will wear an inherently buoyant (not hybrid or not belt type) PFD when paddling on club equipment.
- All visually impaired paddlers will wear an inherently buoyant or hybrid (not belt type) PFD when paddling on club equipment.
- All Steerspersons (when steering) will wear an inherently buoyant or hybrid (not belt type) approved PFD.
- All paddlers using an inflatable belt or other inflatable style PFD, regardless of type, will familiarize themselves with instructions for emergency use, prior to wearing PFD in Wasabi boats. Paddlers are encouraged to practice PFD inflation and arming sequences for their particular PFD.
- At race venues this PFD policy is suspended in favor of the prevailing race event PFD policy or requirements.
Overview: Rearming & Repacking an Inflatable PFD
Certified Steers
Certified Steers - Dragon Boat, OC6 and Chase Boat
Safety Videos
Outrigger Capsize (Huli)
Recovery basics - Ke Kai O'Uhane & PNWORCA
OC1 Capsize (Huli)
Dragon Boat Capsize
Recovery basics
Cold Water Imersion Facts
Onboard CPR
Willamette River Rules for Boat Operation
Hawthorne Bridge Upstream to Willamette Falls
Special laws and rules were enacted on the Willamette River in 2019 - 2020 from river mile 30 to 50 in the Newberg Pool and from Willamette Falls to downtown Portland (Hawthorne Bridge) in 2021. These rules allow certain boating-related activities within certain proximities to structures.